The Bhavans Pride
True to its goal of revitalizing Dharma or the Moral Law in its three fold aspects of Truth, Love and Beauty- Satyam, Shivam and Sundaram.
Bhavan is ceaselessly striving to carry forward India’s ageless message – Faith, Self-Discipline and Dedication, Shradha, Samyama and Samarpana.
The Bhavans Tradition
The Bhavan’s Institutions are not meant merely to provide training, information or skill for better jobs but also to infuse educational institutions with a devotion to higher values, to introduce seriousness of purpose in the broader sense of translating them to life with dedication. Development of intellectual life of the students is not enough. It must be harnessed to moral and spiritual development. Rajaji has emphasized that information should blossom into knowledge and knowledge should mature into wisdom, and that knowledge with out wisdom can be dangerous. Bhavan’s commitment is to impart value based education to the young and the old alike. The noble values we cherish are encoded in Bhagavat Gita*
Chairman’s Message
T.Balakrishnan IAS (R) – Chairman
Secretary’s Message
Shri S.Srinivasan IAS (R) – Hon. Secretary
Principal’s Message
‘Alfred Lord Tennyson- ‘Old order changeth, yielding place to new’
It is a matter of pride and honour to launch this new and improved school website.
This academic session of 2017-18 brings in the change of curriculum and evaluation pattern prescribed by the C.B.S.E. The erstwhile formative assessments and summative assessments have been replaced by periodic tests … read more