Sambodh Foundation
Swami Adhyathmanandaji, Chairman, Sambodh Foundation, Kerala along with the volunteers of Sambodh Foundation visited our school as part of ‘Harithardra Santhwana Yatra’. Swami advised the children in taking the lead in protecting our soil, trees and dense forests.
Rally for Rivers – Save India’s Lifelines !
‘Our rivers are dying. We can no longer turn a blind eye as we stand on the threshold of the greatest crimes of our times.’ This was the essence of the talk given by Sri. Bharathan, Volunteer, Isha Foundation.
The Annual Exhibition, enthusiastically conducted on 21 October, 2017 focussed on ingraining a scientific and creative attitude in our young students to make them comprehend the interdependence of science, technology and society by a hands-on experience. The exhibition seeks to engage children and teachers to synergise experiences and motivate each other to design and develop [...]
Alumni Meet 20017
The second Alumni Meet was held on 14 OCT, 2017. The Principal explained the significance of alumni reunion for the growth of the institution and the individuals. In response, few of the alumni shared their experience as well as interesting moments of school life life to the audience.Former teachers Mrs. Sreelekha, Mrs. Lakshmi and Mrs. [...]
Cleanliness Drive October 2, 2017
The venue this year was the Village Office, Attipra. Students and staff actively participated in cleaning the premises, thereby transforming the entire place much to the satisfaction of the officials and the Councillor, Sri.Suni Chandran.