Shaastra 2019 – Quiz

Shaastra 2019 – Quiz

SHAASTRA 2019, IIT Madras is proud to present its flagship event for school students – SPARK – which is a three-tier mega event, with the first phase being the SPARK Prelims, which is a national level quiz competition held in 20 cities across the country.

Winners of Spark  Junior Quiz

1st Prize- Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Kodunganoor

II nd Prize-Jyothish Central School, Kazhakuttam

III Prize- Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Manvila

IV Prize- Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Manvila

V Prize-Cotton Hill GHS, Trivandrum

City : Trivandrum
Day & Date : Sunday || 12th August, 2018
Venue : Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Senior Secondary School, Manvila, Trivandrum
Eligibility :   Students of Class 8 to 12 in teams of two
Registrations :Register online at (limited on-spot registrations, subject to availability)
Registration fee : None
Certificate of Appreciation and Prizes will be awarded to the Top 3 teams.
The winners stand a chance to travel all the way to IIT Madras free of cost to compete in the national finals and experience what SHAASTRA has to offer.
Top 5 teams from each city will qualify for the national screening round.
Top 25 teams from the screening round, will get a chance to travel all the way to IIT Madras