World Yoga Day
“Yoga is a form of exercise that originated in ancient India and is practised widely across the world today. Yoga not only enhances your physical strength but also contributes largely towards your mental health and spiritual growth.” This was the essence of the talk given by Sri. Jayachandran ,Sri Sri Ravishankar, Art Of Living. Demonstration [...]
Reading Week
Reading is one of the most fundamental skills a child needs to learn to succeed in life. ‘Developing good reading habits is vital to a child’s future not just academically, but in everyday life as well’ ,said Smt. Khyrunnisa, famous children’s fiction writer and columnist who visited the school . Another guest of honour was [...]
Praveshanotsav 2017
The opening day was celebrated as “Praveshanolsavam” which aimed at generating greater interest among students in learning. Teachers and senior students welcomed the tiny tots to the school. With Sweets and toys the children were ushered into the decorated classrooms. Light symbolizes knowledge, purity and is the dispeller of the darkness, to mark this an [...]
World Environment Day
Every year, June 5 is celebrated as World Environment Day with a new theme. This year the theme is "Connecting People to Nature". Dr.Susan John, Principal Scientist, CTCRI had a very lively interactive session with the students and saplings were planted . Quiz Competition, Poster making and Painting competitions were conducted.